Tess Barker (@tesstifybarker @lady2ladycomedy @britneysgram) goes thru some very specific musicals and I learn stuff!! It is a DELIGHT. You will love.
Donate to The Dork Forest if you like the show. There’s paypal links is my email jackie@jackiekashian.com and venmo is jackiekashian. Links to everything is at www.dorkforest.com or www.jackiekashian.com.
New album -STAY-KASHIAN is out NOW.
Merch: TDF tshirts, standup shirts and other CDs and just videos of my comedy. Touring Info. All the things. jackiekashian.com
Premium eps of TDF are taped live and available here: https://thedorkforest.bandcamp.com/ Youtube has everything too.
It’s @jackiekashian on all the social mediaz.
Audio and Video by Patrick Brady
Music is by Mike Ruekberg
Website design by Vilmos
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