PhotoFINISHING with Beth Topper – EP 527

Beth Topper (@magentalady) knows photography from the production side and it’s fascinating. Turns out there some real basic colors out there. You combine them to make other colors. And then you print those photos. It’s great.

AD: For 20% off your first purchase, visit and use promo code DORK during checkout!

Donate to The Dork Forest if you like the show. There’s paypal links and venmo my email address. Links to everything is at or

USE THE AMAZON link on the front page when you order your own dorky goodness. 

Merch: My current album “I Am Not the Hero of This Story” available on Amazon, iTunes and hard copy if you want it signed on the website. As well as TDF tshirts, standup shirts and other CDs and just videos of my comedy.

Premium eps of TDF are taped live and available here:   Youtube has a bunch of stuff too: @jackiekashian on all the social mediaz.

Audio leveling by Patrick Brady
Music is by Mike Ruekberg
Website design by Vilmos

Bonus talking to Andy about the show!

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